Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers: The Ultimate Workshop DVD
If you find you have a problem with the DVD that is supplied with the book or the disc is broken or missing, then please report your problem to Focal Press directly using this address: for all locations worldwide. Please ensure you give your full postal address in case you may need a replacement DVD. Please don't forget to check the FAQ page first to see if this can solve your problem.
It is known that some Macintosh users are likely to experience problems when double-clicking 'Welcome.html' on the DVD to launch the Help Guide. They may see a user interface with broken links (as shown below). There are three solutions on offer here. One is to email Focal Press with your details and they will send a replacement DVD to you. Another option is to click on the On-line DVD icon on the left to be taken to the On-line DVD page where you will be asked to enter a password (using the DVD disc title name). Alternatively, you can click on the Images link highlighted below. Do this and you will be taken to the remaining sections of the site from where you can navigate to access all of the movie content.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused. Martin and Jeff would like to point out though that this problem occured for reasons that were beyond their control.