Sample movies

Provided below are a few sample movies from the latest edition of the book that are made freely available on this website.

Adaptive Wide Angle filter and Photomerge images

The Adaptive Wide Angle filter can also be used to process stitched panorama images (providing they have been created using Photomerge in Photoshop CS6). In this movie I show how the filter was used to correct the curvature distortion in one such panoramic image.

Duration: 05:43

Process 2012 localized adjustments 1: shadows

As well as offering new tone adjustment controls, Process 2012 offers am extended set of localized adjutsment controls. These allow you to do things like apply local shadows adjustments to an image.

Duration: 03:49

The new crop tool interface

The crop tool has been enhanced so that it provides a more fluid way to crop your images.

Duration: 06:25

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extracts from the book

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extracts from the book