Adobe Camera Raw 6.1 update
I have added a new movie on the book website that shows how to make the most of the new automatic lens corrections and perspective control transforms in the latest Camera Raw 6.1 update. This is currently available as a beta release candidate only, which can be accessed from the Adobe Labs website. Go to the Movies section to see all the sample movies that are available.
About the Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers book
768 pages + DVD with 110 minutes movies, CS5 Help Guide + extra PDF content.
On sale now
Martin Evening’s Adobe Photoshop for Photographers titles have become classic reference sources for photographers at all skill levels. Whether you are an accomplished user or just starting out, the Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers book contains a wealth of practical advice, hints and tips to help you achieve professional-looking results. This latest edition is a thorough update of the previous CS4 book and provides detailed information on all the new features in Photoshop CS5 that will be of interest to photographers.
Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers begins with an overview of the Photoshop interface and the fundamentals of how to use Photoshop, followed by how to configure and optimize your computer's performance to run the program and then dives straight into the essentials of Camera Raw image editing. The Sharpening chapter shows how to use the Camera Raw controls to obtain optimum capture sharpening and noise reduction, and the Essentials chapter outlines how to work with all the basic image adjustment tools that are in the program.
Practical workshops show you how to master the essential techniques, such as color correction, retouching techniques, toning a black and white image, creating composite images and so on. Each technique is described in step-by-step detail, showing exactly which command to use, whether you are working with a Mac or PC computer.
The accompanying DVD contains a Photoshop for Photographers Help Guide. This is supplied in a web browser format that you can either run from the DVD or copy to your computer hard disk for off-line viewing. The Help Guide contains a complete guide to all the tools and panels in Photoshop as well as other items in the program. It is like having an off-line manual with which to learn more about what each Photoshop tool and panel does. The guide also provides over 110 minutes of movie tutorials on Photoshop CS5. If you are just beginning to work with digital images or are looking for new ideas, the best techniques and ways to improve the quality of your work, this is the book for you.

About the Adobe Photoshop CS5 Ultimate Workshop Book
496 pages + DVD featuring tutorial movies
This title is coauthored by Martin Evening and Jeff Schewe. While the main Photoshop for Photographers book covers all the essentials of image editing in Photoshop, this title is intended as a companion book. It goes into greater detail and supplements your knowledge of Photoshop, offering expert guidance that's aimed at intermediate to advanced users of Photoshop.
In this second edition, Martin Evening and Jeff Schewe each describe in detail how to carry out some of their favorite Photoshop image editing and retouching techniques. Another appealing feature of this book, is that many of the photographs are taken from real-life professional shoots. The techniques described here don't just show you clever things you can do in Photoshop, they show how you can use Photoshop in a professional context, meeting the demands of art directors and how to meet tricky briefs.
But don't be put off by the thought that this is a book for advanced professional Photoshop users only. A lot of the tips and techniques shown in this book are easy to learn and clearly explained throughout. Click the book preview link on the right to take a sneak preview.
Note for Macintosh customers
It is known that some Macintosh users may experience difficulty getting the Help Guide to display correctly from the DVD. Help is at hand. You can access all of the Help Guide contents via an on-line version of the Ultimate Workshop Help Guide. This link also allows ebook readers to access all the images that are supplied on the DVD.

The Photoshop CS5 for Photographers main book has become an established classic and has regularly been updated since version 5.0 of the program. This latest edition represents a major rewrite, in which there is now a more detailed focus on the essentials of Photoshop, Camera Raw and Bridge, as well as describing all that's new for photographers in Photoshop CS5. Even if you think you know Photoshop well, with this book you'll learn even more detail about the program.
The Ultimate Workshop book is intended as a companion to the main Adobe Photoshop for Photographers book and takes Photoshop for photographers instruction to a whole new level. Packed with tutorials on Photoshop and Camera Raw, it concentrates solely on what you can do with Photoshop at an intermediate to advanced level, without having to devote pages to a discussion of all the basic features and interface. If you already know a little about how to use Photoshop and are looking to update your skills, this is the book to get.