Chapters: Six - Eight - Nine - Ten - Eleven - Thirteen - Fourteen - Fifteen - Sixteen

To download images, click on the thumbnails below. Most of the images are available in compressed JPEG format, but please note that a few of the pictures are supplied here in the native Photoshop PSD format and these images may be up to 2-3 Megabytes in size. All images are in the Adobe RGB color space.

Chapter 14: forest.jpg
272 Kilobytes
Chapter 14: kewgardens.jpg
324 Kilobytes
Chapter 14: pagoda.jpg
136 Kilobytes
Chapter 14: piccadilly.jpg
116 Kilobytes
Chapter 14: thames.jpg
108 Kilobytes
Chapter 15: shape_contours.psd
448 Kilobytes
Chapter 15: battersea.jpg
84 Kilobytes
Chapter 16: cinecamera.jpg
96 Kilobytes
Chapter 16: door.jpg
112 Kilobytes
Chapter 16: mouse01.jpg
32 Kilobytes
Chapter 16: mouse02.jpg
292 Kilobytes
Chapter 16: kpt_501.jpg
104 Kilobytes
Chapter 16: polamask2.jpg
160 Kilobytes
Chapter 16: stump01.tif.sit
2010 Kilobytes